The following plugin provides functionality available through
Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your
Pipeline in the
section of the
Pipeline Syntax
If there are errors while scanning the console log or files for issues (e.g., file pattern matches no files, source files could not be copied, etc.) then the warning plugin will show these errors in a separate view but does not alter the build state. If you would rather like to fail the build on such errors, please tick this checkbox.
failedNewAll (optional)
failedNewHigh (optional)
failedNewLow (optional)
failedNewNormal (optional)
failedTotalAll (optional)
failedTotalHigh (optional)
failedTotalLow (optional)
failedTotalNormal (optional)
healthy (optional)
The healthy threshold defines the limit of warnings for a healthy result: A build is considered as 100% healthy when the number of issues is less than the specified threshold. Values less or equal zero are ignored. So if you want to have a healthy build (i.e. 100%) only for zero warnings, then set this field to 1.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression \p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
ignoreFailedBuilds (optional)
This option determines if failed builds should be selected as baseline or not. It is enabled by default, since analysis results might be inaccurate if the build failed. If unchecked, every build that contains a static analysis result is considered, even if the build failed.
ignoreQualityGate (optional)
If this option is set, only those issues are marked as new, that have been introduced in the current build. Previously new issues in older builds will be converted to outstanding issues. I.e. if someone starts a new build manually (without source code changes), then no new issues will be in the job anymore.
By default, this option is disabled: then a build is selected as reference that passed all quality gates. As soon as a build fails a quality gate, the reference will be frozen until all new issues will be resolved again. That means, that new issues will be aggregated from build to build until the original reason for the failure and all those additional new issues have been resolved. This helps much more to keep your project clean: as soon as there are issues, Jenkins will mark all builds as unstable until the issues have been resolved.
minimumSeverity (optional)
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
publishAllIssues (optional)
qualityGates (optional)
Array / List of Nested Object
The threshold defines the minimum number of warnings that will fail a build. Values less or equal zero are ignored. So if you want to fail a build that has one warning, set this field to 1.
In order to simplify the user interface you can select the property that will be compared with the specified threshold. Basically, three different properties are available:
Selects the total number of issues in the current build.
Selects the total number of new issues in the current build with respect to the reference build. New issues will be calculated by a sophisticated algorithm, that tries to track issues from build to build, even if the source code has been modified. Note that this algorithm sometimes detects outstanding warnings as new, e.g., if a source file has been refactored heavily.
Selects the difference of the total number of issues of the current build subtracted by the total number of issues in the reference build. This is a simple subtraction, so if you have a build that adds a new warning and removes a completely different warning, then the result will be zero.
Additionally, you can select to choose all issues, or issues of a given severity only (error, high, normal or low).
If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically publishes the issues to corresponding SCM hosting platforms. For example, if you are using this feature for a GitHub organization project, the warnings will be published to GitHub through the Checks API. If this operation slows down your build or you don't want to publish the warnings to SCM platforms, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.
sourceCodeEncoding (optional)
In order to correctly show all your affected source code files in the detail views, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
trendChartType (optional)
If there is more than one static analysis result available then an aggregation trend chart will be shown on the project page that shows the analysis results in a single trend chart. You can choose the position of this aggregation trend:
The aggregation trend is shown before all other analysis tool trend charts.
The aggregation trend is shown after all other analysis tool trend charts.
The aggregation trend is not shown, only the analysis tool trend charts are shown.
The aggregation trend is only shown, no other analysis tool trend charts are shown.
Neither the aggregation trend nor analysis tool trend charts are shown.
The unhealthy threshold defines the limit of warnings for an unhealthy result: A build is considered as unhealthy (i.e. 0% health) when the number of issues is greater than the specified threshold. Values less or equal zero are ignored. So if you want to have a build health of 0% starting with 10 issues, then set this field to 9.
unstableNewAll (optional)
unstableNewHigh (optional)
unstableNewLow (optional)
unstableNewNormal (optional)
unstableTotalAll (optional)
unstableTotalHigh (optional)
unstableTotalLow (optional)
unstableTotalNormal (optional)
recordIssues: Record compiler warnings and static analysis results
aggregatingResults (optional)
By default, each static analysis result will be recorded as a separate result that is presented as an individual Jenkins Action with separate UI and dashboard. If you rather prefer aggregation of the results into a single result (i.e., single Jenkins Action), then activate this check box. You still can see the distribution of issues grouped by static analysis tool in the UI.
blameDisabled (optional)
If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically shows what revision and author (name and email) last modified the lines of the affected files that contain issues. If this operation slows down your build or you don't want to publish sensitive user data, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.
enabledForFailure (optional)
By default, static analysis results are only recorded for stable or unstable builds, but not for failed builds: analysis results might be inaccurate if the build failed. If recording should be enabled for failed builds as well then activate this check box.
failOnError (optional)
If there are errors while scanning the console log or files for issues (e.g., file pattern matches no files, source files could not be copied, etc.) then the warning plugin will show these errors in a separate view but does not alter the build state. If you would rather like to fail the build on such errors, please tick this checkbox.
failedNewAll (optional)
failedNewHigh (optional)
failedNewLow (optional)
failedNewNormal (optional)
failedTotalAll (optional)
failedTotalHigh (optional)
failedTotalLow (optional)
failedTotalNormal (optional)
filters (optional)
The created report of issues can be filtered afterwards. You can specify an arbitrary number of include or exclude filters. Currently, there is support for filtering issues by module name, package or namespace name, file name, category or type. Include filters will be combined with or, exclude filters with and. If no filter is defined, then all issues will be published. Filters with empty regular expression will be ignored.
Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
forensicsDisabled (optional)
healthy (optional)
The healthy threshold defines the limit of warnings for a healthy result: A build is considered as 100% healthy when the number of issues is less than the specified threshold. Values less or equal zero are ignored. So if you want to have a healthy build (i.e. 100%) only for zero warnings, then set this field to 1.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression \p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
ignoreFailedBuilds (optional)
This option determines if failed builds should be selected as baseline or not. It is enabled by default, since analysis results might be inaccurate if the build failed. If unchecked, every build that contains a static analysis result is considered, even if the build failed.
ignoreQualityGate (optional)
If this option is set, only those issues are marked as new, that have been introduced in the current build. Previously new issues in older builds will be converted to outstanding issues. I.e. if someone starts a new build manually (without source code changes), then no new issues will be in the job anymore.
By default, this option is disabled: then a build is selected as reference that passed all quality gates. As soon as a build fails a quality gate, the reference will be frozen until all new issues will be resolved again. That means, that new issues will be aggregated from build to build until the original reason for the failure and all those additional new issues have been resolved. This helps much more to keep your project clean: as soon as there are issues, Jenkins will mark all builds as unstable until the issues have been resolved.
minimumSeverity (optional)
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
publishAllIssues (optional)
qualityGates (optional)
Array / List of Nested Object
The threshold defines the minimum number of warnings that will fail a build. Values less or equal zero are ignored. So if you want to fail a build that has one warning, set this field to 1.
In order to simplify the user interface you can select the property that will be compared with the specified threshold. Basically, three different properties are available:
Selects the total number of issues in the current build.
Selects the total number of new issues in the current build with respect to the reference build. New issues will be calculated by a sophisticated algorithm, that tries to track issues from build to build, even if the source code has been modified. Note that this algorithm sometimes detects outstanding warnings as new, e.g., if a source file has been refactored heavily.
Selects the difference of the total number of issues of the current build subtracted by the total number of issues in the reference build. This is a simple subtraction, so if you have a build that adds a new warning and removes a completely different warning, then the result will be zero.
Additionally, you can select to choose all issues, or issues of a given severity only (error, high, normal or low).
If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically publishes the issues to corresponding SCM hosting platforms. For example, if you are using this feature for a GitHub organization project, the warnings will be published to GitHub through the Checks API. If this operation slows down your build or you don't want to publish the warnings to SCM platforms, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.
sourceCodeEncoding (optional)
In order to correctly show all your affected source code files in the detail views, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
sourceDirectories (optional)
Some plugins copy source code files to Jenkins' build folder so that these files can be rendered in the user interface together with build results (coverage, warnings, etc.). If these files are not part of the workspace of a build then Jenkins will not show them by default: otherwise sensitive files could be shown by accident. You can provide a list of additional source code directories that are allowed to be shown in Jenkins user interface here. Note, that such a directory must be an absolute path on the agent that executes the build.
Array / List of Nested Object
This plugin copies source code files to Jenkins' build folder so that these files can be rendered in the user interface together with the plugin results. If these files are referenced with relative paths then they cannot be found by the plugin. In these cases you need to specify one or more relative paths within the workspace where the plugin can locate them. Alternatively, you can also specify absolute paths if the source code files are stored outside the workspace (in a directory on the agent). All absolute paths must be additionally approved by an administrator in Jenkins' global configuration page.
sourceDirectory (optional)
tool (optional)
For each static analysis tool a dedicated parser or scanner will be used to read report files or produce issues in any other way. If your tool is not yet supported you can define a new Groovy based parser in Jenkins system configuration. You can reference this new parser afterwards when you select the tool 'Groovy Parser'. Additionally, you provide a new parser within a new small plug-in. If the parser is useful for other teams as well please share it and provide pull requests for the Warnings Next Generation Plug-in and the Analysis Parsers Library.
Nested Choice of Objects
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
basedir (optional)
credentialsId (optional)
id (optional)
name (optional)
namedFilter (optional)
projectUrl (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
useRankAsPriority (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
excludePattern (optional)
highTags (optional)
id (optional)
ignoreCase (optional)
includePattern (optional)
You can define multiple filesets using comma as a separator, e.g. '**/*.c, **/*.h'. Basedir of the fileset is the workspace root.
isRegularExpression (optional)
Note that the regular expression must contain two capturing groups: the first one is interpreted as tag name, the second one as message. An example of such a regular expression would be ^.*(TODO(?:[0-9]*))(.*)$.
lowTags (optional)
name (optional)
normalTags (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
localSettingsPath (optional)
In order to get access to rules documentation: - use dtp.server property to specify DTP server address or - use report.rules property to specify URL to directory with rules html files (generated by clicking the Printable Docs button in the Test Configuration's Static Analysis tab). For example: report.rules=file:///C:/parasoft/gendoc/ report.rules=../gendoc/
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
$class: 'SigmaTool'
$class: 'SigmaTool'
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
useRankAsPriority (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
toolProxies (optional)
For each static analysis tool a dedicated parser or scanner will be used to read report files or produce issues in any other way. If your tool is not yet supported you can define a new Groovy based parser in Jenkins system configuration. You can reference this new parser afterwards when you select the tool 'Groovy Parser'. Additionally, you provide a new parser within a new small plug-in. If the parser is useful for other teams as well please share it and provide pull requests for the Warnings Next Generation Plug-in and the Analysis Parsers Library.
Array / List of Nested Object
For each static analysis tool a dedicated parser or scanner will be used to read report files or produce issues in any other way. If your tool is not yet supported you can define a new Groovy based parser in Jenkins system configuration. You can reference this new parser afterwards when you select the tool 'Groovy Parser'. Additionally, you provide a new parser within a new small plug-in. If the parser is useful for other teams as well please share it and provide pull requests for the Warnings Next Generation Plug-in and the Analysis Parsers Library.
Nested Choice of Objects
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
basedir (optional)
credentialsId (optional)
id (optional)
name (optional)
namedFilter (optional)
projectUrl (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
useRankAsPriority (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
excludePattern (optional)
highTags (optional)
id (optional)
ignoreCase (optional)
includePattern (optional)
You can define multiple filesets using comma as a separator, e.g. '**/*.c, **/*.h'. Basedir of the fileset is the workspace root.
isRegularExpression (optional)
Note that the regular expression must contain two capturing groups: the first one is interpreted as tag name, the second one as message. An example of such a regular expression would be ^.*(TODO(?:[0-9]*))(.*)$.
lowTags (optional)
name (optional)
normalTags (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
localSettingsPath (optional)
In order to get access to rules documentation: - use dtp.server property to specify DTP server address or - use report.rules property to specify URL to directory with rules html files (generated by clicking the Printable Docs button in the Test Configuration's Static Analysis tab). For example: report.rules=file:///C:/parasoft/gendoc/ report.rules=../gendoc/
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
$class: 'SigmaTool'
$class: 'SigmaTool'
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
useRankAsPriority (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
tools (optional)
Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
basedir (optional)
credentialsId (optional)
id (optional)
name (optional)
namedFilter (optional)
projectUrl (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
useRankAsPriority (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
excludePattern (optional)
highTags (optional)
id (optional)
ignoreCase (optional)
includePattern (optional)
You can define multiple filesets using comma as a separator, e.g. '**/*.c, **/*.h'. Basedir of the fileset is the workspace root.
isRegularExpression (optional)
Note that the regular expression must contain two capturing groups: the first one is interpreted as tag name, the second one as message. An example of such a regular expression would be ^.*(TODO(?:[0-9]*))(.*)$.
lowTags (optional)
name (optional)
normalTags (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
localSettingsPath (optional)
In order to get access to rules documentation: - use dtp.server property to specify DTP server address or - use report.rules property to specify URL to directory with rules html files (generated by clicking the Printable Docs button in the Test Configuration's Static Analysis tab). For example: report.rules=file:///C:/parasoft/gendoc/ report.rules=../gendoc/
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
$class: 'SigmaTool'
$class: 'SigmaTool'
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
useRankAsPriority (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
trendChartType (optional)
If there is more than one static analysis result available then an aggregation trend chart will be shown on the project page that shows the analysis results in a single trend chart. You can choose the position of this aggregation trend:
The aggregation trend is shown before all other analysis tool trend charts.
The aggregation trend is shown after all other analysis tool trend charts.
The aggregation trend is not shown, only the analysis tool trend charts are shown.
The aggregation trend is only shown, no other analysis tool trend charts are shown.
Neither the aggregation trend nor analysis tool trend charts are shown.
The unhealthy threshold defines the limit of warnings for an unhealthy result: A build is considered as unhealthy (i.e. 0% health) when the number of issues is greater than the specified threshold. Values less or equal zero are ignored. So if you want to have a build health of 0% starting with 10 issues, then set this field to 9.
unstableNewAll (optional)
unstableNewHigh (optional)
unstableNewLow (optional)
unstableNewNormal (optional)
unstableTotalAll (optional)
unstableTotalHigh (optional)
unstableTotalLow (optional)
unstableTotalNormal (optional)
scanForIssues: Scan files or the console log for warnings or issues
blameDisabled (optional)
If this option is unchecked, then the plugin automatically shows what revision and author (name and email) last modified the lines of the affected files that contain issues. If this operation slows down your build or you don't want to publish sensitive user data, you can use this option to deactivate this feature.
filters (optional)
The created report of issues can be filtered afterwards. You can specify an arbitrary number of include or exclude filters. Currently, there is support for filtering issues by module name, package or namespace name, file name, category or type. Include filters will be combined with or, exclude filters with and. If no filter is defined, then all issues will be published. Filters with empty regular expression will be ignored.
Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
forensicsDisabled (optional)
scm (optional)
sourceCodeEncoding (optional)
In order to correctly show all your affected source code files in the detail views, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
sourceDirectories (optional)
Some plugins copy source code files to Jenkins' build folder so that these files can be rendered in the user interface together with build results (coverage, warnings, etc.). If these files are not part of the workspace of a build then Jenkins will not show them by default: otherwise sensitive files could be shown by accident. You can provide a list of additional source code directories that are allowed to be shown in Jenkins user interface here. Note, that such a directory must be an absolute path on the agent that executes the build.
Array / List of Nested Object
This plugin copies source code files to Jenkins' build folder so that these files can be rendered in the user interface together with the plugin results. If these files are referenced with relative paths then they cannot be found by the plugin. In these cases you need to specify one or more relative paths within the workspace where the plugin can locate them. Alternatively, you can also specify absolute paths if the source code files are stored outside the workspace (in a directory on the agent). All absolute paths must be additionally approved by an administrator in Jenkins' global configuration page.
sourceDirectory (optional)
tool (optional)
For each static analysis tool a dedicated parser or scanner will be used to read report files or produce issues in any other way. If your tool is not yet supported you can define a new Groovy based parser in Jenkins system configuration. You can reference this new parser afterwards when you select the tool 'Groovy Parser'. Additionally, you provide a new parser within a new small plug-in. If the parser is useful for other teams as well please share it and provide pull requests for the Warnings Next Generation Plug-in and the Analysis Parsers Library.
Nested Choice of Objects
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
basedir (optional)
credentialsId (optional)
id (optional)
name (optional)
namedFilter (optional)
projectUrl (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
useRankAsPriority (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
excludePattern (optional)
highTags (optional)
id (optional)
ignoreCase (optional)
includePattern (optional)
You can define multiple filesets using comma as a separator, e.g. '**/*.c, **/*.h'. Basedir of the fileset is the workspace root.
isRegularExpression (optional)
Note that the regular expression must contain two capturing groups: the first one is interpreted as tag name, the second one as message. An example of such a regular expression would be ^.*(TODO(?:[0-9]*))(.*)$.
lowTags (optional)
name (optional)
normalTags (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
localSettingsPath (optional)
In order to get access to rules documentation: - use dtp.server property to specify DTP server address or - use report.rules property to specify URL to directory with rules html files (generated by clicking the Printable Docs button in the Test Configuration's Static Analysis tab). For example: report.rules=file:///C:/parasoft/gendoc/ report.rules=../gendoc/
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
$class: 'SigmaTool'
$class: 'SigmaTool'
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
highThreshold (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
normalThreshold (optional)
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
useRankAsPriority (optional)
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.
id (optional)
The results of the selected tool are published using a unique ID (i.e. URL) which must not be already used by another tool in this job. This ID is used as link to the results, so choose a short and meaningful name. Allowed elements are characters, digits, dashes and underscores (more precisely, the ID must match the regular expression `\p{Alnum}[\p{Alnum}-_]*`). If you leave the ID field empty, then the built-in default ID of the registered tool will be used.
name (optional)
You can override the display name of the tool. This name is used in details views, trend captions, and hyper links. If you leave the name field empty, then the built-in default name of the registered tool will be used.
pattern (optional)
reportEncoding (optional)
In order to read all characters of your reports correctly, the plugin must open these files with the correct character encoding (UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, etc.). If you leave this field empty then the default encoding of the platform will be used. This might work but is not recommended.
skipSymbolicLinks (optional)
Skipping symbolic links is useful when the scanned directory contains links that create a recursive structure. Note that this option may not work on Windows, since symbolic links are not fully supported here.