The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

Synopsys Polaris Software Integrity Platform Plugin

polaris: Execute Polaris Software Integrity Platform CLI

  • arguments

    The command line arguments to pass to the Polaris CLI

    • Type: String
  • createChangeSetFile (optional)

    Creates a file at $CHANGE_SET_FILE_PATH (by default, the workspace directory) containing a list of files generated from the Jenkins-provided SCM changeset.
    Used for Incremental analysis (--incremental) as the file containing the list of changed files for analysis.

      Nested Object
    • excluding
    • excluding (optional)

      Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly excluded from the Jenkins-provided SCM changeset.
      The pattern is applied to determine which files will be populated in the changeset file, stored at $CHANGE_SET_FILE_PATH.
      If blank, will exclude none.

      File Name Pattern Will be excluded *.java Yes *.jpg No test.* Yes test.???? Yes test.????? No
      • Type: String
    • including
    • including (optional)

      Specify a comma separated list of filename patterns that you would like to explicitly included from the Jenkins-provided SCM changeset.
      The pattern is applied to determine which files will be populated in the changeset file, stored at $CHANGE_SET_FILE_PATH.
      If blank, will include all. Examples:

      File Name Pattern Will be included *.java Yes *.jpg No test.* Yes test.???? Yes test.????? No
      • Type: String
    • returnSkipCode
    • returnSkipCode (optional)

      If true (checked), returns -1 instead of throwing a IntegrationAbortException when static analysis is skipped because the changeset contained no files to analyze.

      • Type: boolean
  • polarisCli (optional)

    The Polaris CLI installation to execute

    • Type: String
  • returnStatus (optional)

    If true (checked), returns the status code of the Polaris CLI run instead of throwing an exception

    • Type: boolean

polarisIssueCheck: Check for issues in the Polaris Software Integrity Platform found by a previous execution of the CLI

  • jobTimeoutInMinutes (optional)

    The maximum number of minutes to wait for jobs started by the Polaris CLI to complete when executed without -w (nonblocking mode). Must be a positive integer, defaults to 30 minutes.

    • Type: int
  • returnIssueCount (optional)

    Check this box to return the issue count as an integer instead of throwing an exception

    • Type: boolean

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