The following plugin provides functionality available through Pipeline-compatible steps. Read more about how to integrate steps into your Pipeline in the Steps section of the Pipeline Syntax page.

For a list of other such plugins, see the Pipeline Steps Reference page.

JUnit Realtime Test Reporter Plugin

realtimeJUnit: Display JUnit test results as they appear

Runs a block and archives JUnit results at the end, exactly like the junit step would. The difference is that test results are displayed as they appear.
  • testResults
    • Type: String
  • allowEmptyResults (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • healthScaleFactor (optional)
    • Type: double
  • keepLongStdio (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • parseInterval (optional)

    The interval between two file system scans to parse test results (in seconds). Must be a positive value greater than 0. Default value is calculated as 1/100 of the estimated build duration, but never more often than every 5 seconds.

    • Type: long
  • skipMarkingBuildUnstable (optional)
    • Type: boolean
  • testDataPublishers (optional)
      Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
    • $class: 'AttachmentPublisher'
      • $class: 'AutomateTestDataPublisher'
        • $class: 'ClaimTestDataPublisher'
          • $class: 'JUnitFlakyTestDataPublisher'
            • jiraTestResultReporter
              • configs
                  Array / List of Nested Choice of Objects
                • jiraSelectableArrayField
                  • fieldKey
                    • Type: String
                  • values
                      Array / List of Nested Object
                    • value
                      • Type: String
                • jiraSelectableField
                  • fieldKey
                    • Type: String
                  • value
                    • Type: String
                • jiraStringArrayField
                  • fieldKey
                    • Type: String
                  • values
                      Array / List of Nested Object
                    • value
                      • Type: String
                • jiraStringField
                  • fieldKey
                    • Type: String
                  • value

                    Insert a string value.

                    You can include Jenkins Environment variables (see link), or the following variables defined by this plugin:

                    Variable usage: ${VAR_NAME}

                    CRFL - new line

                    DEFAULT_SUMMARY - configured in the global configuration page

                    DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION - configured in the global configuration page
















                    TEST_IS_REGRESSION - expands to true/false


                    WARNING: Your input will not be validated against the server's metadata. Check Jira to make sure you insert a valid value for this field and use the Validate Fields button bellow, otherwise the plugin will fail to create your issue.

                    • Type: String
                • jiraUserField
                  • fieldKey
                    • Type: String
                  • value

                    Insert the username.

                    For example if you have a user with:

                    Display Name: John Doe, Username: johndoe, Email:,

                    you need to write johndoe in this field. Any other value (like display name, or email) will not work.

                    • Type: String
              • projectKey
                • Type: String
              • issueType
                • Type: String
              • autoRaiseIssue
                Create issues automatically for failing tests that don't yet have one linked.
                • Type: boolean
              • autoResolveIssue
                Automatically apply transition to resolve issues linked to tests, if the test passes.
                Experimental feature: For now it only looks for the first transition that contains in its name "resolve". If it is found, it will be applied, if not, the status of the issue will not change. In future releases this will be parametrized.
                • Type: boolean
              • autoUnlinkIssue
                • Type: boolean
            • $class: 'JunitResultPublisher'
              If checked, each JUnit test result XML file will be examined to see if it represents a SOASTA CloudTest composition. For applicable tests, a hyperlink to the SOASTA CloudTest dashboard will be inserted into the test report.
              • urlOverride
                Specify the CloudTest URL to use when creating hyperlinks to CloudTest dashboards. Normally, this can be left blank, and the URL will be extracted from the test result file.
                • Type: String
            • $class: 'PerfSigTestDataPublisher'
              • dynatraceProfile
                • Type: String
            • $class: 'SahaginTestDataPublishser'
              • $class: 'SauceOnDemandReportPublisher'
                Show embedded Sauce OnDemand reports, including video and logs. Your test should use Selenium client factory (at least version 1.3 to match test cases to individual Sauce OnDemand jobs).
                • jobVisibility (optional)
                  Set your test results visibility permissions. The Sauce Documentation has all the various levels described in detail.
                  • Type: String
              • $class: 'StabilityTestDataPublisher'
                • $class: 'TestCafePublisher'
                  • $class: 'TestReporter'
                    • $class: 'YoutrackTestDataPublisher'

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                    See existing feedback here.