Since the end of April, Jenkins has been officially part of the SPI (Software in the Public Interest), an umbrella organization which offers a useful level of legal status for the project.
Up until recently we had not taken proper advantage of this new legal umbrella, thankfully that’s changed as we’re now capable of accepting donations!
For the project this is a big step forward as it will allow us to offset the cost of servers for the project, bandwidth, SSL certificates and other costs incurred as part of running such a large open source project.
Trivia: The machine that this page is being served from originally started out as "hudson labs", purchased and colocated by abayer, kohsuke and myself.
Since we’re now able to accept donations, we’re kicking off a donation drive to help recover some of the costs incurred this summer (which I’ve discussed previously). Our immediate goal is to raise $5130 to recoup bandwidth costs, if you can spare some change, head on over to the SPI online donation page and help us out :)