Kohsuke just posted a brief write-up on his personal blog about the first day of the Bay Area Hudson hackathon/meetup. He writes:

Total of 9 people came and we had a great time talking about infrastructure issues, possible enhancements, design discussions, exchanging tips and plugins that they’ve developed, and otherwise building personal relationships.

A number of folks joined us on the #Hudson IRC channel on Freenode and the WebEx conference, participating remotely. Since day one was primarily intended for hacking on Hudson itself, we’re expecting more people tomorrow when we’ll have a good mix of folks hacking on Hudson, folks hacking with Hudson and plain old folks.


About the Author
R. Tyler Croy

R. Tyler Croy has been part of the Jenkins project for the past seven years. While avoiding contributing any Java code, Tyler is involved in many of the other aspects of the project which keep it running, such as this website, infrastructure, governance, etc.